Teach4DH Submission

Electronic submission

Submission is electronic, using the EasyChair conference management system.

Submission and Reviewing

We invite long and short papers:

  • Long papers may consist of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus unlimited references.
  • Short papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited references.

Authors of papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this information to the workshop co-chairs (teach4dh@googlegroups.com). Authors of accepted papers must notify the program chairs within 10 days of acceptance if the paper is withdrawn for any reason.


Reviewing of papers will be double-blind. Therefore, the paper must not include authors’ names and affiliations or self-references that reveal the authors’ identity -- e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." should be replaced by citations such as "Smith (1991) previously showed ...". Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review.

Submissions must be in PDF. For templates and style files see the GSCL 2017 conference: http://gscl2017.dfki.de/callPapers.php.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the workshop co-chairs.