Teach4DH Program


The proceedings are published as a CEUR Workshop volume. Please visit: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1918. The individual papers (and presentation slides/posters if available) are linked below.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dorotheenstraße 24, Room 1.404 (4th floor)
9:30–9:45 Opening: Welcome and introduction
9:45–10:45 Invited Talk
  The digital footprint in humanities teaching and research
Sabine Bartsch (TU Darmstadt)
10:45–11:15 Coffee Break
11:15–12:45 Session 1: Oral presentations
11:15–11:45 Lessons from a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities
[pdf] [slides]
Simon Clematide, Isabel Meraner, Noah Bubenhofer and Martin Volk
11:45–12:15 Teaching Computational Aspects in the Digital Humanities Program at University of Stuttgart – Intentions and Experiences
[pdf] [slides]
Nils Reiter, Sarah Schulz, Gerhard Kremer, Roman Klinger, Gabriel Viehhauser and Jonas Kuhn
12:15–12:45 Hands-on: a five day text mining course for humanists and social scientists in R
[pdf] [slides]
Gregor Wiedemann and Andreas Niekler
12:45–14:15 Lunch
14:15–15:30 Session 2: Posters and demos
  R-based strategies for DH in English Linguistics: a case study
[pdf] [poster]
Nicolas Ballier and Paula Lissón
  LEA - Linguistic Exercises with Annotation tools
[pdf] [poster]
Fabian Barteld and Johanna Flick
  Software projects for developing Digital Humanities resources
[pdf] [poster]
Thierry Declerck
  Practice Report: A blended learning approach to teaching NLP for a DH public
[pdf] [poster]
Gertrud Faaß and Ulrich Heid
  Challenges in digital literacy in English curriculum
[pdf] [poster]
Charles Lam and Catherine Wong
15:30–16:00 Coffee Break
16:00–17:00 Session 3: Oral presentations
16:00–16:30 An intensive and quick course on Natural Language Processing applied to Literary Studies
[pdf] [slides]
Borja Navarro-Colorado
16:30–17:00 A Practical Course in Corpus Linguistics
[pdf] [slides]
Hannah Kermes and Mihaela Vela
17:00–18:00 Panel and wrap-up
  Curricular considerations in developing standards for DH programs
Sabine Bartsch (TU Darmstadt), Peggy Bockwinkel (Universität Stuttgart), Andreas Witt (Universität zu Köln)
18:00 End
19:00 Workshop dinner
  Location: Via Nova II, Universitätsstraße 2, Berlin